So, one of the crises of kidney failure is living with dialysis. Hemodialysis removes excess minerals, protein, fluid, electrolyte and other waste from the blood. The longer the duration of dialysis the more stuff is removed, the faster the blood flow rate, the more stuff can be removed. The faster the dialysate flow rate, the more stuff can be removed. I soon realized that my post dialysis phosphorous rate is dangerously below expected clinical limit. Unfortunately, that is a crises. You need long dialysis to limit urea and creatinine in the blood, but the side effect is other stuff that may be removed below safe level. The consequence of low phosphate for me is stomach problems that gets exacerbated by new food/water going into my gastro-intestinal chambers. Side effect is vomiting within 4 hours after food. Like clockwork, the process continued. I have not been taking the generally prescribed phosphorous binders for almost 18 months now. The crises was worse before I stopped. T...
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