
Showing posts from December, 2021

G6PD Deficiency

 G6PD : Glucose -6- Phosphate -Dehydrogenase is an enzyme manifested in the X chromosome, one of whose function is to defend red blood cells from oxidative stress. Inadequate levels of this enzyme is referred to as G6PD deficiency. As we are though in elementary biology class, humans have X and Y chromosomes. Men have XY chromosomes and women have XX chromosomes. To make a baby, biological parents donate chromosomes. When Y chromosome is donated (from father) to form a baby (mothers can only donate X chromosomes), a male child is the result. G6PD deficiency is a deficiency in the X chromosome.  Since the likelihood of both donated X chromosomes (from father and mother) is not very high, females are less likely to suffer from severe GPD deficiency than male. That is in female, even if one X chromosome the other is likely to be healthy and compensate. But in males, if the X chromosome is G6PD deficient, that is it. G6PD deficiency is a spectrum disease in that it varies in sever...

Ogbonor + Mellon soup

 I like to experiment with ingredients. Although, I am limited in what I can now eat since discovering my G6PD limitation and also the fact of my CKD, I still enjoy the option of making tasty and quaint meals. This Ogbonor and Mellon soup medley is one of my creation. Ingredients: Palm oil (3 table spoonful) -- optional Pepper soup spice (2 spoonful) Ground Ogbonor seed (1/2 cup) Group Mellon seed (1 cup) Ground dried tiny shrimps (1/2 cup) Ground dried baby crayfish (1/2 cup) Fresh Goat meat with skin (1 pound) -- You could change meat option as needed. 1 whole smoked catfish (1/2 - 1 pound) 1 whole mackerel cut into 4-6 pieces Salt (I like kosher, but iodized salt is probably better) - 1/2 tea spoon or more based on your requirement Maggi or Knorr (compensate with salt since they are high in NaCl) Thyme ( 1 teaspoon) and any other spice you prefer including (sage, saffron, etc) Onion (1/2 of whole) Garlic (1 clove) Process Clean goat meat (or other meat option as needed). Cook me...